Blank White Screen

2 minute read

Allow me to introduce the world’s smallest-possible blank web page: Blank White Screen 2.0. Blank White Screen 2.0 is surprisingly whiter than the Blank White Screen of, which is comically not-blank and requires a whopping 8KB of JavaScript, css, and html.

My innovative Blank White Screen 2.0 requires only a single-character, a newline character “\n”, and that character could probably be eliminated except I’m not motivated to pull a reverse-Thiel and go from 1 to 0 bytes. You can verify the whopping size differences by checking the dom of both sites.

Something about Googling Blank White Screen has me thinking that a search engine shouldn’t stand directly between the brain of a human and the internet, but that seems like more of a me problem.

I had some interesting related thoughts about a program which “does” things and could construct web pages by composing text commands.

One idea this led to is: is it possible to restructure individual websites into their constituent user interfaces and combine them together into some kind of monster? Is that what people think web3 is? Would doing that without a blockchain and just with html and an open web be more powerful? My intuition says it would probably be more dangerous.

As a hacky prototype, I could probably turn existing websites into little draggy iframes. This might make it look more like an operating system, though, where each iframe is its own tab.
