I’m a Software Developer that loves to build things.

Some Cool Things I’ve Made

  • Trombonest Virtual Reality Trombone App, only on Meta Quest.

  • McHoops, Augmented Reality Basketball. Available on iOS.

  • Wrds, a word-guessing game, available on iOS, Android, and web.

  • Blank Suite, productivity pages which which have 0 or 1 html elements and no JavaScript.
  • Webappybird, a 3d inspiration based on Flappy Bird I made around 2014. Name suggested by the legendary Jeff Kinnison.

  • Birdpress, a Flutter-based static content blogging solution. Think Jekyll but in Flutter. Can be embedded in Flutter web apps or native apps. The goal is that you write content in Markdown, install Birdpress, and don’t have to worry about anything else.
  • NorrOS. Who hasn’t named an OS after themself at this point?
  • /dev/null, for when you want to write a letter to someone but not send it.
  • Solo Chat, for when you want to chat on IM but have no one read the message.
  • Playlists, just a small collection of playlists.


  • I’m currently running fncore, a VR software company (2022 - Present).
  • Software Engineer at Google from 2017-2022