What I Like About Startups

2 minute read

I’m currently creating a new soundfont (.sf2) for Trombonest.

This involves listening to loops of each note on repeat and trying to get the match point right.

I think I could use an FFT to find loop points. But I worry I’ll spend 4 hours building an algorithm to do this when I could be 75% done by then.

44100 hz is a lot of points I have to wade through manually. But I can kind of eye the waveform and figure out where to drop the point.

Polyphone is amazing. Except it doesn’t work with headphones. When a plane flies overhead, I start to think everything is perfectly blended.

When I take breaks, I’m in some kind of hell where I keep hearing notes repeating.

It’s like I’m being called back to keep working.

What I like about startups is: I will only succeed if I build a good product.

A startup founder can have an ego, but the market doesn’t reward ego protection or avoidance. Only good products win.

Ego protection is where I blame my shortcomings on something else so I can continue to live in a fantasy world.

Avoidance is where I don’t get feedback because I know it’s going to be bad.

When you’re in love, you want to tell the world. And if you’re in love with yourself everyone will know.

It’s pretty easy to tell who is in love with their product and who’s in love with protecting their own ego.

Back to the mines.
