Godot Compiling Meta Quest 3 Build Templates

less than 1 minute read

The Godot docs on compiling Android build templates from source include options with multiple build architectures, so I thought I’d add it here:

The Quest 3 uses arm v8, since it uses the Qualcomm Snapdragon XR 2 chip wiki

Compile your build templates with:

Godot 4.2

scons -j16 platform=android target=template_release arch=arm64v8 ; scons -j16 platform=android target=template_debug arch=arm64v8; ./gradlew generateGodotTemplates

Godot 4.3

scons -j16 platform=android target=template_release arch=arm64v8 generate_apk=yes ; scons -j16 platform=android target=template_debug arch=arm64v8 generate_apk=yes

Happy hacking
